

World Peace, When Buddha Meets the Gods

文/佛州大西洋大學歷史系郝樂為(Kenneth W. Holloway)教授(有律法師中譯)


喬納森‧福克斯(Jonathan Fox)博士2004年的一項研究表明,宗教是促使世界各地產生衝突的主要原因,特別是在1945年至2001年之間。在二十世紀的最後幾十年,宗教不但是衝突的主要根源,宗教更是加劇衝突惡化的推手。減輕衝突的一種常見作法是安排宗教間的對話,但星雲大師有一個更好的想法:在每年耶誕節,也就是佛陀紀念館開幕的週年紀念日,舉辦一個召集世界各地的宗教人士為世界和平祈禱的活動──世界神明聯誼會。






Religion has been an increasing source of conflict around the world, particularly between 1945 and 2001, according to a 2004 study by Dr. Jonathan Fox.  It is not that religion is the only source of conflict, but in the last decades of the twentieth century, it has become a significant intensifier of conflict and it is getting worse all the time.  A common approach to alleviating this conflict is religious leaders will engage in interfaith dialogues.  Venerable Master Hsing Yun has a better idea.  Every year on Christmas Day, the anniversary of the opening of the Buddha Museum, he hosts an event that brings together members of the world’s religions to pray for world peace.  This event is called When Buddha Meets the Gods. 

I first heard about the event at a lecture that was organized at the Miami Fo Guang Shan temple.  The Venerable there told us how she visited every religious institution on the island to extend a personal invitation from Venerable Master Hsing Yun for them to attend When Buddha Meets the Gods. I had not realized just how epic the task might be until she shared her stories of visiting remote mountain top temples around the island.  After hearing her lecture, I had a deep desire to participate in the event. Finally, in December of 2019, while on a year-long research sabbatical from the History Department at Florida Atlantic University, I got my chance.

When I arrived on Christmas Morning, it was just before 7:00 am, but there were already throngs of people streaming into the museum.  As I approached, I heard a marching band, and I could feel the energy, the excitement. The weather was beautiful, with a high of 81 and the low 70 degrees Fahrenheit, with clear skies.  

The first thing I noticed was the diversity of those who attended.  There were elderly members, which I expected, but also teenagers, including some with tattoos and piercings, and families with young children.  It was beautiful to see people from different walks of life coming together to pray for peace.  The prayer ceremony began around 2:00 pm, and that was when I realized just how special the day would be.  Statues representing thousands of temples were all lined up together on altars, under a giant seated Buddha. 

As we prayed together for peace in the world, we were simultaneously paying our respects to the deities of temples from all over the island.  It would take years to visit all these temples, but once a year it is possible to pray to them together. By 2:30 things were wrapping up and Venerable You Lu brought me to see the procession leave the museum. I watched fifty thousand people leave the museum in perfect harmony, as they began their journeys home. 

Just by itself, Christmas Day 2019 would have been one of the most special days in my life.  In a world where religions are often seen as competing with each other, this celebration of diverse religious beliefs gave me hope for humanity.  It was really deep and meaningful on a number of levels.  Upon my return to the United States, I started to read about the COVID-19 pandemic.  As people in the US began to point fingers and blame each other, I longed to be back in Kaohsiung where people were working together to stay safe.  As I am writing this, on Veterans Day 2020, I am reminded that the many states in the US have lost more people to COVID-19 than soldiers in WWII.  Among the ten states in the US with the highest casualty rates during the WWII, five of them have lost more people to COVID-19.  I am writing this with a heavy heart, and I do not know when I may have a chance to visit When Buddha Meets the Gods again.  However, having attended the event last year, I remain hopeful and continue to pray for world peace.

圖說: 郝樂為教授與孔子合照