

世界神明聯誼會 體現臺灣宗教多元性
When Buddha Meets the Gods - A Display of Religiou

文/顧頡鋒 Stefan Kukowka    圖/佛陀紀念館 Buddha Museum




On December 25, 2020, Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum held the annual ‘When Buddha Meets the Gods Event - Epidemic Prevention and Prayers for Peace and Security.’ The event was held for the tenth year in a row and displayed a resounding success in terms of cooperation, respect, and tolerance. Not only the monastics and volunteers of Fo Guang Shan, but also the many thousand believers from across Taiwan were able to work together and make the event run smoothly.

‘When Buddha Meets the Gods’ is not only a platform for religious exchange but also a demonstration of respect and tolerance for different religion. That people of so many different faiths come together with a compassionate heart and tolerate each other, is indeed rarely seen. This reflects Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concept of ‘although there are differences within similarities, there is no need to seek common ground within differences.’

Divine processions are not uncommon in Taiwan; however, it is remarkable that deities of folk religions have come together at the Buddha Museum.This shows the general openness of Taiwanese society and can dispel stereotypes of Chinese Buddhism, being an escapist religion focussing too much on rituals. The Buddhist reformer Master Taixu (1890-1947) tried to change and adapt Buddhism to an increasingly globalised world. Yet, among others, it was Venerable Master Hsing Yun who was able to realise many of the ambitious goals of his predecessors.

Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s ‘When Buddha Meets the Gods’ reflects a new trend in the development of modern Taiwanese Buddhism, moving from the mountains to the community with the people in the world as its focus. Its deep but simple approach to the Buddhist teachings is a model par excellence for the practice of Humanistic Buddhism and serves as a modality for successful religious dialogue.

Stefan Kukowka sharing his thoughts on the event