

人生只有一次 一位韓國人對一筆字的體悟

文/圖 韓國義工 鄭銀美 Jeong Eun Mi from Korea

翻譯/佛館國際組 Buddha Museum International Affairs Team


Jeong Eun Mi, a Korean language teacher in Seoul, volunteered with the International Affairs Team from Dec 22th 2016 to 29th Jan 2017. During this period, she gained a deeper understanding on Venerable Master Hsing Yuns One-Stroke Calligraphy and expressed them through illustrations.


2010년 처음 서울 불광산에서 성운대사사진을 봤을 때는 그냥 서예를 하시는 스님일 뿐이었다.

My first impression of Venerable Master Hsing Yun was a Buddhist monk who writes calligraphy when I saw his picture in Seoul Fo Guang Shan in the year 2010.



2017년 가오슝에서 자원봉사를 하면서 처음 생 각보다 너무나 많은 것들을 경험하게 되었다.

In 2017, I had the opportunity to volunteer in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, and the experience I gained was beyond my expectation.



나는 교정, 간단한 번역, 안내 등의 업무를 했다.

Through proofreading, translation and providing assistance to international visitors at the Information Desk, I had a better understanding about Buddhism.



선화선화 중 <본래면목本來面目>에는 “…답을 자네에게 알려 준다 해 도, 그것은 여전히 내생각이지…”지산대사 (智閑禪師) 처럼 알게 되었 다. 일필자의 의미를…

In Our Face Before Conception, one of the Chan Art and Stories, Chan Master Lingyou told Chan Master Zhixian that If I tell you, the answer still belongs to me and not to you. When I read this sentence, it appears to depict the feeling behind Venerable Master Hsing Yuns writings.



성운대사는 “일필자를 쓰는 것은 잉크를 아끼는 것도 있지만 인생이 한 번뿐이기 때문이다.”인생에 대한 놀라운 통찰력이다. 지금은“일필자” 중에서 ""자 정도 불광산대해 조금은 알게 된 것 같아서 기쁘다.

When Venerable Master Hsing Yun writes One-Stroke Calligraphy, he cherishes every ink. Venerable Master says that, life only happens once.When I heard that, I could not help being surprised by how Venerable

Master could have such deep insights into life. When I see his photo again, I feel happy that I too had such insight into the One-Stroke Calligraphy.


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