


文/佛館國際組 Buddha Museum International Affairs Team       圖/人間通訊社 Life News Agency

On the first of January each year, Fo Guang Shan celebrates a new year with hundreds of new and married couples exchanging and renewing their marriage vows at the Great Enlightenment Auditorium. Venerable Master Hsing Yun says that, Love is neither attachment nor possession. It should not lead to selfishness and hatred. When people today love someone, they wish that person lives forever. When they hate someone, they wish that person dies. But this is not love. Love is about sacrifice and giving. It is to cherish, protect, and support the object of onesaffection... Marriage is the commitment between two people to a lifetime of unity and support. In order for marriage to work, the couple must love each other properly.


愛無國界 Love Has No Boundaries

The Home of Joy and Celebration at the Five Harmonies Pagoda has held more than 300 ceremonies since 2011. These ceremonies commemorate life events such as the arrival of a newborn, coming of age, engagement, wedding, and birthday. Through these celebrations, ties between people in various circles, including families, schools, friends, and even the workplace, are cemented.


In September 2014, Gigi Passerini, a physician, and his wife Viola Passerini, both Italians and devout Catholics, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary at the Home of Joy and Celebration. They were impressed by how the Buddhist teachings invoke thoughts of compassion, respect and joy.

20149月,天主教義大利內科醫師Gigi Passerini及妻子Viola Passerini曾來到喜慶之家歡度40週年結婚紀念日,深覺佛法不可思議,能讓人生起慈悲心、恭敬心及歡喜心。

Starting from 2nd January 2017, celebrants at the Home of Joy and Celebration would receive a limited copy of Venerable Masters One-Stroke Calligraphy works. Please contact the Five Harmonies Pagoda for more information.

201712日起,凡在五和塔舉辦任一典禮,贈送「星雲大師一筆字真跡祝福」墨寶,數量有限,詳情請洽:+886-7-656-3033 ext. 4150

Email: fhp@ecp.fgs.org.tw