

英國杜倫大學 國際級策展合作

文/圖     佛館國際組 Buddha Museum International Affairs Team

For the Buddhas Birthday Celebration in 2018, the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum will collaborate with Durham University for the Walking with the Buddhaexhibition. Last month, Dr. Craig Barclay, Head of the Oriental Museum at Durham University, Mrs. Rachel Barclay, Curator of the Oriental Museum, and Dr.Jennifer Tremblay, Honorary Researcher of Durham University were invited to the Buddha Museum to conduct a site inspection. During their stay, they signed an official cooperation agreement with Venerable Ru Chang, Director of the Buddha Museum. The exhibition will present archaeological findings in Lumbini, an important Buddhist site in Nepal. Together with artifacts on loan from the Oriental Museum, we hope visitors will gain a deeper understanding about the Buddhas birthplace backed by scientific findings.

佛光山佛陀紀念館與英國杜倫大學共同合作,策畫2018年佛誕節「與佛同行」特展,上個月特別邀請英國杜倫大學東方博物館館長Dr. Craig Barclay與同為策展人的夫人Rachel Barclay、杜倫大學榮譽研究員Dr. Jennifer Tremblay來到佛館進行策展討論與場勘,並與佛館館長如常法師正式簽署展覽合作協定。此次展覽主軸是根據位於尼泊爾重要的佛教遺址─藍毘尼園考古發現的介紹,結合展品帶領大眾深入佛陀的故鄉,也為佛陀誕生地提供具體科學的考古實證。

During the visit, Dr. Barclay was amazed by the magnificence of the place, which he felt could not be expressed through pictures he had seen online. He also praised the galleries inside the Main Hall, stating that they were modern and on par with international standards, and felt excited and highly expectant for the upcoming exhibition. Venerable Ru Chang explained that the exhibition will be displayed at the headquarters of UNESCO in France after it has made its run at the Buddha Museum, which will be a big leap forward on the internationalization of the Buddha Museum.

參訪中,東方博物館館長Dr. Craig Barclay表示實地來到佛館,才感受到照片所無法傳達的壯觀與驚豔,更頻頻對佛館國際又現代的展場空間表示讚嘆,對於接下來的佛誕展抱持高度期待與歡喜。館長如常法師說明,此次展覽預計於佛館展出後,將前進聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)法國總部,勢必為佛館的國際化跨出一大步。


The curatorial team experiencing the interactive facilities at the Two Assemblies Pagoda