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Chan Master Daoqian and his friend, Zongyuan, embarked on a very long journey for the purposes of study and of paying visits. But Daoqian complained incessantly of exhaustion brought on from crossing so many mountains and rivers, and he wished ardently to turn back.
Zongyuan tried to comfort him, saying, “We have pledged to go forth to study, and we have already walked halfway. It would be a real shame to quit now. Here is my plan: if there is anything I can do for you, I certainly will, with the exception of five things that I cannot help you with.”
“What are the five things?” asked Daoqian.
“Dress, eat, shit, piss, and walk,” Zongyuan answered.
Hearing this, Daoqian had a great awakening, and never again spoke of hardship.
There is a saying: “Even when gold floods in with the tide, you must rise early to collect your share!” In this world, you achieve nothing without strenuous effort. A hundred-story tower begins at the ground. A thousand-mile journey starts with the first step. Be willing to bear your own afflictions here, in this mire of birth and death. No one can suffer in your place!