語音導覽 - 佛陀行化圖Audio Guide - Stories of the Buddha

夜叉鬼子母,性情凶惡殘暴,常擄他人小孩食之,造成國中父母極大恐慌。佛陀為了教化 他,將其最心愛的幼兒藏於鉢中。時鬼子母,遍尋不著,憂愁悲痛,聽聞佛有一切智,即至佛所,問兒所在。佛告之:「天下父母,愛子之心如你;你食人之子,他們的憂悲,正如你失子之痛!你若能受三皈五戒,盡壽不殺,即還汝子。」鬼子母聞言感悟,誓為天下兒童守護者。

Hariti, the mother of demons, was violent and cruel. She often abducted and ate other people's children, causing great panic among parents. In order to educate her, the Buddha hid her most beloved son in an alms bowl. When Hariti failed to find him, she felt immense grief and pain. She heard about the Buddha's infinite wisdom and went to ask him for her son's whereabouts. The Buddha told her, "All parents on earth love their children as much as you do. The sorrow you have caused by eating their children is exactly the same as the pain you are feeling now from losing your own son. If you can take refuge in the Triple Gem, uphold the five precepts, and vow not to kill for the rest of your life, I shall return your son to you." Enlightened by the Buddha's words, she vowed to be a protector of all children.

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