語音導覽 - 佛陀行化圖Audio Guide - Stories of the Buddha
摩揭陀國阿闍世王,因與北方鄰族跋耆國交 惡,想要發動戰爭,特派遣大臣雨舍前往請示佛陀。佛陀了解雨舍來意,不著痕跡的藉著與阿難陀對話,說明跋耆國具有七種「必興不衰」之法。雨舍聽完,心領神會,作禮而去。果然,聰明的阿闍世王最後聽從佛陀的意見,沒有發兵攻打跋耆國。佛陀以「七不衰法」,消弭了一場即將發生的戰爭。
King Ajatasatru of Magadha wanted to declare war on his neighbor, the Kingdom of Vrji, because of their hostile relationship. He sent his minister, Varsakara, to the Buddha for advice. Aware of Varsakara's intentions, the Buddha indirectly explained to him, through a conversation with Ananda, that Vrji upheld the seven principles for prosperity and would never fall. After Varsakara heard this, he thoroughly understood and respectfully took his leave. Indeed, the intelligent King Ajatasatru followed the advice of the Buddha and did not attack Vrji. Thus, the Buddha prevented an impending war by making use of the "Seven Principles of Prosperity."