

我愛佛館- 佛館10大照相點

展演地點: 佛陀紀念館全區
展演時間: 永久展示

【我愛佛館- 佛館10大照相點】- 拍照打卡拿好禮!

I Love Buddha Museum -- Top 10 Buddha Museum Photo Spots Event

一台相機 一支手機 同框看盡佛館之美

一個人 一群人 遨遊人間淨土真善美中

With a camera or cellphone, capture the beauty of Buddha Museum

Traveling solo or in a group, explore the bliss of earthly paradise


While You Walk into the Buddha Museum


Do you like taking photos and posting it online? 

Do you feel joy when you share these photos with others?

佛館特別推出【我愛佛館- 佛館10大照相點活動】,邀請愛攝影的你一同響應!

We invite all photography lovers to join in a new exciting event: “I Love Buddha Museum -- Top 10 Buddha Museum Photo Spots”


Once you enter the Buddha Museum, you may see many visitors taking pictures of the Fo Guang Big Buddha! However, there are many more surprising photo spots waiting for you to discover!


Do you know where you can take the best picture of the Big Buddha? Do you know where you can capture the most natural sceneries within the Buddha Museum? We invite all photography lovers to join in a new exciting event: “I Love Buddha Museum -- Top 10 Buddha Museum Photo Spots”


It doesn’t matter if you prefer scenic shots or crazy selfies, you are sure to bring home a good photo at the Buddha Museum. So, what are you waiting for? Find the Top 10 Photo Spots and create wonderful memories for yourself at the Buddha Museum now!

點我下載活動攻略Download event brochure on: http://www.fgsbmc.org.tw/en/ilovebm.pdf