語音導覽 - 禪畫禪話Audio Guide - Chan Art and Stories

蘇東坡到金山寺和佛印禪師打坐參禪,自覺身心通暢,於是問禪師說:「禪師,你看我坐的樣子怎麼樣?」「好莊嚴,像一尊佛!」禪師答。蘇東坡聽了非常高興。佛印禪師反問:「學士,你看我坐的姿勢怎麼 樣?」蘇東坡答:「像一堆牛糞!」
蘇東坡以為贏了佛印禪師, 於是逢人便說:「我今天贏了!」消息傳到他妹妹蘇小妹的耳中,妹妹就問:「哥哥,你究竟是怎麼贏了禪師的?」蘇東坡如實敘述了一遍,蘇小妹聽後,正色說:「你輸了!禪師的心中如佛,所以他看你如佛,而你心中像牛糞,所以你看禪師才像牛糞。」蘇東坡啞然,方知自己禪功不及佛印禪師。

When Su Dongpo practiced meditation with Chan Master Foyin at Jinshan Temple, he felt as if his body and mind were flowing without obstruction. “Chan master,” he said, “when you see how I sit, what do you think?” “Most dignified,” answered Foyin, “like a Buddha.” This pleased Su Dongpo greatly. Foyin asked him, “Scholar! When you see how I sit, what do you think?” Su Dongpo replied, “Like a pile of cow dung!”
This left Su Dongpo feeling he had achieved something extraordinary. He told everybody he met that day, “I have gained complete victory over the Chan master.” His sister, Su Xiaomei, said, “Older brother, exactly how did you defeat the master?” After he explained, she rebuked him sternly. “Older brother, you have lost. The Chan master’s mind is like the Buddha’s. Therefore, he saw you as a Buddha. But your mind is like cow dung, therefore you saw the Chan master as cow dung.”
Su Dongpo was dumbstruck. His sister was right, of course. His Chan realization was far beneath Chan Master Foyin’s.
Chan is not mere knowledge; it is awakening to one’s nature. Chan is not clever debate, but spiritual wisdom. Out of his imperturbable serenity, the Chan master roars the thunder of the Dharma.

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