語音導覽 - 禪畫禪話Audio Guide - Chan Art and Stories

由藝術家入佛的弘一大師,把修行和藝術生活集合起來,更見出他的人生境界。有一天,名教育家夏丏尊先生前來拜訪,吃飯時,看到他只吃一道鹹菜,不忍心地說:「難道你不嫌這鹹菜太鹹嗎?」弘一大師回答:「鹹有鹹的 味道。」
弘一大師的「鹹有鹹的味道,淡有淡的味道」,這是一句多麼富有佛法禪味的話啊!弘一大師把佛法應用在日常生活中,他的人生,無處不是味道。一條毛巾用了三年,已經破了,他說還可以再用;住在小旅館裡,臭蟲爬來爬 去,他說只有幾隻而已,可說真正體會了「隨遇而安」的生活。

Master Hongyi was an artist whose Buddhist practice permeated his art. One day, Xia Mianzun, a famous teacher, came to dine. Hongyi just nibbled from a plate of pickled vegetables. “But isn’t it too salty?” Mr. Xia asked.
“Salty is a flavor.” Hongyi replied.
Later, Hongyi served only water instead of tea.
Mr. Xia asked, “Why no tea leaves? How can you drink plain water?”
Hongyi grinned and replied, “Plain is a flavor.”
Both “salty is a flavor” and “plain is a flavor” contain the rich taste of Chan and the Dharma. Because Master Hongyi lived the Dharma, nothing in his life lacked flavor. A tattered old towel – it was still useful. A mattress crawling with bedbugs – there weren’t that many. This master fully enjoyed the life of “feeling at ease under all conditions.”

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