語音導覽 - 八宗祖師Audio Guide - Eight Patriarchs


When Jizang was about 3 year old, his father took him to see Paramartha who gave him his name. At the age of 7, he became a monk under Falang and specialized in the Three Treatises. When he was 19 years old, he could publicly recite various sutras and treatises. He once lectured on the profound teachings of the Three Treatises to Emperor Guiyang of the Chen Dynasty, earning the emperor’s utmost respect. At the age of 33, he moved to Jiaxiang Temple to focus on teaching and writing. Thousands requested his guidance and he became known as Master Jiaxiang. He once defeated Sengcan the self-proclaimed Treatise Master of the Three Kingdoms, in a debate lasting over 40 rounds Prince Yang Jian, the second son of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, revered him as a teacher. Jizang spent his life propagating the Three Treatises and was known as the patriarch who revived the Three Treatise School.

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