語音導覽 - 禪畫禪話Audio Guide - Chan Art and Stories

無果禪師參禪二十餘年,都由一對母女供養,但一直未能明心,深怕信施難消,故想出山尋師訪道。母女二人便 做了一件衲衣,又包了四錠馬蹄銀,送給禪師做路費。出發前一夜,禪師仍坐禪養息,至半夜,忽見一青衣童子,後隨數人扛一朵大蓮花鼓吹而來,童子請禪師上蓮台,禪師心想:「我習禪,未修淨土法門,這恐是魔境。」 就不理會。童子又再三勸請,禪師隨手拿起引磬,插在蓮台上。不久,童子和諸樂人便鼓吹而去。

For over twenty years, a mother and daughter had sustained Chan Master Wuguo with offerings. But his inability to realize his true mind filled him with regret that he was unworthy of their support. He decided to find a teacher who could show him the Way. As a parting gift, the mother and daughter made him a monastic robe. And to help with expenses, they wrapped inside the robe four silver ingots shaped like horse’s hooves.
The master was still there at midnight, meditating, when a child appeared dressed in blue, with a train of musicians. Others followed, carrying a very large lotus. The child said, “Please ascend the lotus throne!” The master thought about it. “I’ve practiced Chan samadhi, but not the Dharma method of the Pure Land School. I fear this is Mara.” The child urged him again and again to ascend the lotus throne. But when Master Wuguo grabbed a hand bell and stuck it into the lotus throne, the child and his attendants departed.
Early next morning, just as the master was setting out, the mother and daughter came bearing a hand bell and said, “Our family mare had a stillbirth. The groom cut it open and saw this. We knew it belonged to you, so we came to return it.” He was drenched in sweat and composed a verse: A monastic robe, a piece of hide; four silver ingots, four horse’s hooves. But for my deep samadhi, I would have become a young foal in your family.
When you cultivate diligently yet fail to attain the Way, the cycle of birth and death will be hard to overcome. How, then, can you not be wary?

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