語音導覽 - 禪畫禪話Audio Guide - Chan Art and Stories

有一次,趙州禪師到茱萸禪師處,茱萸禪師道:「你年紀這麼大了,仍然到處雲遊行腳,為什麼不找個地方住下來安心修行呢?」趙州禪師感慨地說道:「你說什麼地方可以給我住下來安心修行呢?」茱萸禪師不以為然地反問 道:「你不必問人,總之,你年紀這麼大了,連自己的住處都不知道,像你這樣說話可以嗎?」

By flowing with the prevailing conditions and circumstances, Chan Master Zhaozhou was able to pass his entire life in a state of freedom and contentment. Because he never ceased to travel, and had no permanent habitation, he regarded every place he visited as home. His life was described in a poem: Zhaozhou still traveled at eighty, trying to solve a mystery. When he was finished, he saw it was not worth the trouble or the money it cost to replace his worn out shoes.
Master Zhaozhou paid a visit to Chan Master Zhuyu. “You are old,” said Master Zhuyu, “but you still travel around. When will you find a place to stay, settle your mind, and cultivate yourself?” “Tell me where I can do it, please,” sighed Master Zhaozhou. “Don’t ask other people,” retorted Master Zhuyu. “You are old enough to find your own dwelling.”
“For three decades,” replied Master Zhaozhou softly, “I have traveled amid lakes and mountains, living a carefree life. I did not expect to be kicked by a donkey today.”
In fact, Chan Master Zhaozhou had long ago found his permanent abode. Says the proverb, “By coming here, you know where to go. By your action, you attain tranquility.”

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