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神光慧可至嵩山少林寺,拜謁達摩祖師,請求為入室弟子,達摩面壁靜坐不理會。慧可佇候門外,積雪及膝,達摩看他求法虔誠,問說:「你久立雪中,所求何事?」慧可:「惟願和尚開甘露門,廣度群品。」達摩:「諸佛無上妙道,曠劫精勤,難行能行,難忍能忍,尚不能至,你以輕心慢心,欲冀真乘,徒勞勤苦。」慧可聽此誨勵,即以刀斷臂。達摩:「諸佛求道為法忘形,你今斷臂,求又何在?」慧可:「弟子心未安,請您為我安心!」達摩大 喝:「把心拿來,我為你安!」慧可:「我找不到心呀!」達摩微笑說:「我已經為你將心安好了。」慧可豁然大悟。

Chan Master Shenguang Huike walked through falling snow to Shaolin Temple to pay respects to Patriarch Bodhidharma, and to ask if he could be his disciple. Bodhidharma was sitting in silent meditation, so Shenguang stood outside until the snow came up to his knees. When Bodhidharma saw how earnestly Shenguang was seeking the Dharma, he said to him, “You have been standing in the snow. What is it that you seek?” Shenguang said, “My wish is that you open the gate of the sweet dew and liberate all beings.”
Bodhidharma answered, “The supreme and wondrous Way of the Buddhas, after kalpas of dedication, practice, and enduring what is difficult to practice and endure, still cannot be attained. You, frivolous and arrogant, longing for the true vehicle, toil in vain.” Shenguang, hearing this reply, immediately cut off his arm. Bodhidharma responded, “All Buddhas seeking the Way disregard their physical form. Now that you have cut off your arm, what else are you seeking?” Shenguang answered, “Please settle the mind for me!” Bodhidharma shouted, “Bring forth the mind. I will settle it for you!” Shenguang said, “I cannot find the mind!” Bodhidharma grinned and said, “I have already settled the mind for you.”
Afflictions are fundamentally empty; unwholesome karma has no intrinsic nature. If you are able to preserve a true mind of equanimity, your Buddha nature will be revealed.

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