語音導覽 - 佛光大佛Audio Guide - Fo Guang Big Buddha

矗立在佛陀紀念館的佛光大佛,是目前世界最大的銅鑄坐佛,地基加佛身共 108公尺,等於一般建築的36層樓。

On the highest point of the Buddha Museum, along its central axis, there sits a magnificent, colossal statue. The Fo Guang Big Buddha sits cross-legged with his hands in the lotus mudra. From the base to tip, the Buddha statue is 108 meters tall, the equivalent of an average thirty-six story building. The head alone is three stories tall, while a single eye is as wide as the whole floor of most other buildings.
Venerable Master Hsing Yun has said that, “It is my hope that each and every person who comes will realize that they are Buddhas. Whether they are Catholics, Christians, or devotees of Mazu, I hope they can see how they possess the noble essence of their religion within themselves. In want to create this state of mind, so that everyone can be elevated and develop by venerating and worshipping the Buddha, understand the nature of enlightenment, and be able to better face their day to day lives.”