語音導覽 - 佛陀行化圖Audio Guide - Stories of the Buddha


Sronakotivimsa was a musician before he became a monk. After renouncing, he was anxious to be enlightened. He cultivated tirelessly, day and night. As a result, not only did he not attain enlightenment, he ended up exhausting himself so much that he became discouraged. After the Buddha learned of this, he used a simile to explain to Sronakotivimsa, "Just like playing a stringed instrument, if the strings are too tight, they break easily; but if the strings are too loose, there will be no melody. Only when the strings are tuned properly is there beautiful music. Cultivation is the same: too rushed or too relaxed, neither is the proper path." After Sronakotivimsa heard the Buddha's advice, he altered his way of cultivation, and soon attained Arhatship.

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