語音導覽 - 佛陀行化圖Audio Guide - Stories of the Buddha

佛陀時代,比丘靠著托鉢乞食,行腳弘化。 「頭陀第一」的大迦葉,從不到富有人家乞食;他認為富貴來自過去世布施的果報,今生既已富有,何必再去錦上添花。「解空第一」的須菩提正好相反,從不到貧窮人家乞食;他覺得窮人三餐都難以溫飽,何忍再增添負擔。兩人極端的行徑被佛陀知道,特別集眾開示:「乞貧乞富,都是心不均平,佛法應建立在平等之上;儘管世間充滿差別對待,吾人的心要安住在平等法中,才能自受用、他受用。」

During the Buddha's time, the Sangha relied on alms begging as a means of propagating the Dharma. Mahakasyapa, foremost in ascetic practice, never sought alms from the wealthy. He believed that wealth came from past practices of generosity. Since they were already wealthy in this life, why should they gain even more? Subhuti, foremost in understanding emptiness, held the opposite view. He never sought alms from the poor. He believed that since it was already difficult for poor people to eat three meals a day, why increase their burden? When the Buddha learned of the extreme views of these two disciples, he assembled the Sangha and taught them, "Seeking alms solely from the wealthy or solely from the poor is not having an impartial mind. Although the world is filled with discrimination, our own minds must abide in equanimity in order to benefit ourselves and others."

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