語音導覽 - 禪畫禪話Audio Guide - Chan Art and Stories

有一次,佛光禪師見到克契禪僧,問:「自從你來此學禪,已有十二個秋冬,怎麼從不向我問道?」禪僧:「老禪師每日都很忙,實在不敢打擾。」過了三年,禪師再問:「你參禪修道有什麼問題嗎?怎麼不來問我呢?」禪僧回 答:「老禪師很忙,不敢隨便和您講話。」再過一年,克契禪僧經過佛光禪師禪房外,禪師又說:「我今天有空,請進來談談禪道。」禪僧合掌作禮:「老禪師很忙,怎敢隨便浪費您的時間呢?」

Once, when Chan Master Foguang saw the Chan Monk Keqi, he said, “Twelve years have passed since you came here to study Chan. Why have you never asked me about the Way?” Keqi replied, “The elder Chan master is always very busy. Truly I dare not bother you!” Three years later, Master Foguang asked Keqi again, “Do you have any questions about practicing Chan and cultivating the Way?” Keqi replied, “The elder Chan master is very busy. It would be inconsiderate to disturb you!” A year later, when Keqi passed Master Foguang’s room, the master said to him, “I have reserved some time for you today. Let us discuss the Way of Chan, please.” Keqi hastily joined palms and bowed, saying, “The elder Chan master is very busy. How would I dare waste your time whenever I please?”
Master Foguang knew that Keqi was too shy and timid to exploit this opportunity. Hence, no amount of Chan practice could awaken him. Master Foguang had to act first. So the next time he ran into Keqi, he again asked him if he wanted to talk. Again, Keqi declined, saying the master was too busy. Master Foguang yelled, “Busy! Busy! Busy for whom? I can be busy for you too!” This remark, “I can be busy for you too!” struck a chord in Chan Monk Keqi’s heart, and with these words, he immediately had an awakening.
Chan demands that we seize every opportunity that comes along, and not be too timid to grab it!

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