語音導覽 - 禪畫禪話Audio Guide - Chan Art and Stories

蘇東坡在江北瓜州地方任職,和江南金山寺只一江之隔, 他和該寺住持佛印禪師經常談禪論道。一日,蘇東坡自覺修持有得,便作了一首詩,派書僮過江送給佛印禪師印證。詩云:「稽首天中天,毫光照大千;八風吹不動, 端坐紫金蓮。」
禪師若無其事地說:「罵你什麼呀?」蘇東坡把詩上批的「放屁」二字拿給禪師看。禪師呵呵大笑說:「哦!你不是說『八風吹不動』嗎?怎麼『一屁就打過江』了呢?」 修行,不是口上說的,真正做到才是功夫。

Su Dongpo was a Song Dynasty poet and government official in Guazhou. Though the Yangzi River separated Guazhou from Jinshan Temple, Su Dongpo crossed it regularly to converse with the temple’s abbot, Chan Master Foyin, about Chan and the Way. One day, when Su Dongpo felt that his cultivation had reached full maturity, he composed the following poem and dispatched his young attendant to deliver it to Master Foyin for his approval: Bowing, Heaven within Heaven, I am the light that illuminates the boundless universe. The eight winds cannot move me, who am seated mindfully upon the purple golden lotus.
Upon reading it, the master dashed off a one-word comment for the young attendant to carry back. As soon as Su Dongpo read “fart” an uncontrollable anger began to rise. So he embarked for the other shore to debate the master. As his boat approached Jinshan Temple, Master Foyin was already waiting. Su Dongpo said, “We are the closest of Dharma friends. My poem, my cultivation – if you don’t praise it, that’s fine. But how could you insult me?” Acting as if nothing had happened, the Chan master asked, “How did I insult you?” When Su Dongpo showed him his comment, the master roared with laughter, saying, “Didn’t you say ‘the eight winds cannot move me?’ So how come a fart has blown you across the river?” Cultivation is achieved, not by talk, but by action.

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