語音導覽 - 禪畫禪話Audio Guide - Chan Art and Stories

有個七歲兒童,老是找無德禪師閒扯爭論,但出言常有一些禪味。一天,禪師說:「老僧很忙,我只和你再辯一次,假如你輸,就買餅供養我;我輸,就買餅和你結緣。」童子聽了,說:「請師父先拿出錢來。」禪師:「輸才拿錢,勝就不成問題。首先,假定我是一隻公 雞。」童子:「我是小蟲兒。」禪師:「你是小蟲兒,那應該買餅給我這隻大公雞吃!」童子不認輸,爭辯 說:「你是大公雞,我是小蟲兒,我見到你可以飛走,因為師徒之間不可以爭論,那你不是輸了嗎?」

A seven-year-old child would often seek out Chan Master Wude in order to discuss many things; and what the child said had a bit of Chan flavor. One day, Wude said to him, “This old monk is always very busy. I will debate you just one more time. If you lose, you will have to buy cakes for me. If I lose, I will buy cakes for you.” The child said, “Then please set aside the money first.” The master said, “I will give you the money only when I lose. If I win, it’s not an issue. Now, suppose I am a rooster.” The child said, “I am a little bug.” “You are a little bug. You should buy cakes for this big rooster.” “You are a big rooster. I am a little bug. When I see you, I can fly away. Because of our master and disciple relationship, we cannot argue. Haven’t you lost, then?” Wude brought the child to a gathering of people and asked them who was more reasonable. They could not decide. Then Wude said, “One must be a Chan master with opened eyes to judge this.” It took three days for the people in the monastery to notice that Master Wude had secretly bought cakes for the child.
In Chan there is no big or small, no long or short, no right or wrong, no good or bad. And of course, there is no losing or winning. Chan is not a world of arguing, but a world of order and tranquility.

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