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文喜後來參訪仰山禪師時開悟,因此住下來擔任典座。 一天,他從飯鍋蒸氣上又見到文殊,便舉飯鏟打去,並說:「文殊自文殊,文喜自文喜,今日惑亂我不得了!」文殊說偈:「苦瓜連根苦,甜瓜徹蒂甜,修行三大劫,卻被這 僧嫌。」

Chan Master Wenxi, on a pilgrimage to Mount Wutai, spent a night in an old man’s thatched hut. Wenxi asked him, “How is it in the place of practice?” The old man replied, “Dragons and snakes intermix; the ordinary and the sacred intermingle.” Wenxi asked, “How many live here?” The old man answered, “Three three in front, three three in back.” When Wenxi woke up the next morning, the hut had disappeared, and he saw Manjusri on a lion hovering in midair. His failure to recognize the Bodhisattva was a missed opportunity.
Later, Master Wenxi attained awakening while studying with Chan Master Yangshan. Then he settled down to work as a cook. One day, above the steam of the rice cooker, he saw Manjusri’s manifestation again. Flinging his rice scoop at Manjusri, he exclaimed, “Manjusri is Manjusri; Wenxi is Wenxi. You won’t fool me today!” Manjusri answered him with this verse: “Bitter melons are bitter down to the root; sweet melons are sweet even at the stem. Though I have cultivated more than three great kalpas, this monk still mocks me.”
Manjusri means that during his three great kalpas of cultivation, he could find just one person who recognized him – Wenxi. When we are asleep to our intrinsic nature, we seek the Dharma in things outside the mind. But when we awaken, “Manjusri is Manjusri; Wenxi is Wenxi.”

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